What Is Architanz?

Architect + Tanz(dance) = Architanz

In 1996, architects got together for this volunteer work which took charge of set design of gBoy Storyh by a choreographer YURI NG form Hong Kong. In 2001, team established Architanz which is an architectural design office and also a dance studio. The tiny dance studio was in office building in Hamamatsu-cho in the beginning. In 2007, Architanz moved to current location in Tamachi, architectural team redesigned warehouse to become dance studio. Now Architanz has three different sized dance studios and architectural design office.

Architanz is aiming to be a place to exchange of dance lovers. We are offering high quality classes and good facility for training, with international well known dance teachers for 365days a year. We are offering classical ballet classes, contemporary dance classes, workshops and many other events. Also wefve presented world well known piecesf Japanese premiere include classical ballet, contemporary dance and collaborated works of Western culture and Japanese tradition. Architanz could make them happened by connection with guest teachers and artists wefve worked with. Those pieces were performed by young dancers and artists who got through auditions. Mission of Architanz is contributing to lead Japanese dance scenes to be world leveled.