ARCHITANZ(アーキタンツ) | 東京都・田町(三田)のバレエを中心としたスタジオ




.【P.A.R.T.S 2019-2022 Training Programme Audition】Bellow is some information about the upcoming audition..A new training programme will start in September 2019. P.A.R.T.S only opens up it’s training programme every three years between the ages of 18 and 23..AUDITION PROCESSThe audition is divided in two steps:.①You must register online for a pre-selection.Tokyo, Japan auditions will be held January, Friday 4th, 2019. This is our location→ studio ArchitanzAddress→ Toun-bldg. 4F, 1-13-10 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0023. [Schedule]14:15~15:00 : Registration15:40~17:10 : Contemporary17:20~18:10 : Ballet A18:15~19:05 : Ballet B19:20~ Short Personal WorkThe selection is made and announced on the day of the pre-selection maximum two hours after the end of the audition.. [Personal Belongings]・Anything you need for regular dance day・Head shot (3.5cm x 4.5cm 程度). [Participation fee]5,000 yen※ we only accept cash.. [Adjudicator]Fumiyo Ikea.② Only candidates who have passed the pre-selection will receive an official invitation with a detailed explanation of the final audition. The final audition process takes place in Brussels between April 8 until April 14. The entire full-week participation in this final stage of the audition is necessary to be selected for the Training, so block the dates now!.For more information, please check our webpage⇛ webpage⇛ #auditioninformation #parts #school #studio #architanz #ballet #balletstudio #dance #contemporary #tamachi #tokyo #japan #オーディション #オーディション情報 #パーツ #アーキタンツ #ダンス #バレエ #コンテンポラリー #田町 #東京 #日本

.【P.A.R.T.S 2019-2022 Training Programme Audition】Bellow is some information about the upcoming audition..A new training programme will start in September 2019. P.A.R.T.S only opens up it’s training programme every three years between the ages of 18 and 23..AUDITION PROCESSThe audition is divided in two steps:.①You must register online for a pre-selection.Tokyo, Japan auditions will be held January, Friday 4th, 2019. This is our location→ studio ArchitanzAddress→ Toun-bldg. 4F, 1-13-10 Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0023. [Schedule]14:15~15:00 : Registration15:40~17:10 : Contemporary17:20~18:10 : Ballet A18:15~19:05 : Ballet B19:20~ Short Personal WorkThe selection is made and announced on the day of the pre-selection maximum two hours after the end of the audition.. [Personal Belongings]・Anything you need for regular dance day・Head shot (3.5cm x 4.5cm 程度). [Participation fee]5,000 yen※ we only accept cash.. [Adjudicator]Fumiyo Ikea.② Only candidates who have passed the pre-selection will receive an official invitation with a detailed explanation of the final audition. The final audition process takes place in Brussels between April 8 until April 14. The entire full-week participation in this final stage of the audition is necessary to be selected for the Training, so block the dates now!.For more information, please check our webpage⇛ webpage⇛ #auditioninformation #parts #school #studio #architanz #ballet #balletstudio #dance #contemporary #tamachi #tokyo #japan  #オーディション #オーディション情報 #パーツ #アーキタンツ #ダンス #バレエ #コンテンポラリー #田町 #東京 #日本