Alessio Silvestrinアレッシオ・シルヴェストリン
毎週月曜日:19:30~21:00 レベルフリー @01
主な活動として: 2005年、愛知芸術文化センター制作のダンス・オペラ『青ひげ城の扉』で演出、振付、映像、美術を担当し、自身も出演。同年、ヴェネチア・ダンス・ビエンナーレからの招聘で『Ritrovare/Derivare』を能楽師・津村禮次郎と共演。
2007年、安藤忠雄が設計した「21_21 Design Sight」開館プログラムにてフォーサイスのインスタレーション『Additive Inverse』に出演する等、ザ・フォーサイス・カンパニーのゲスト・アーティストとして招聘される。
2008 年、ブラジルのダンス・カンパニー「São Paulo Companhia de Dança」からの委託で『Polígono』の 振付 ・ 演出。
2011年、「Noism 01」の招聘で振付けた『折り目の上』では、能楽から着想された ピアノ、フルートのソロ作品を発表する等、日本伝統文化に対する独自の切り口を示す。
2014 年、 新国立劇にてスタジオ・アーキタンツ制作の『Opus 131』を振付。同年、東京文化会館にて 『ボレロ』を演出、日本舞踊・花柳流と共演する吉田都を振付。
2017年、カールスルーエ・アー ト・アンド・メディア・センター「ZKM」にて『Tang』を彫刻家アントン・ヒムシュテットと共 作、出演。2019年、パリ・オペラ座にて、W. B. イェィツ作、杉本博司が演出する『鷹の井戸』を 振付(2020年、NHK・Eテレにて本編と特集番組が放送される)。現在、洗足学園音楽大学講師として活躍中
After graduating with a scholarship from Académie de Dance Classique Princesse Grace in Monte-Carlo and École-Atelier Rudra Béjart in Lausanne, he worked as dancer and choreographer at the Béjart Ballet Lausanne and the Lyon Opera Ballet. He joined Ballet Frankfurt directed by William Forsythe from 1999 until 2002 and he has been often performing as a guest artist for The Forsythe Company, for example, performing the Forsythe's installation Additive Inverse for the opening program of 21_21 Design Sight, designed by Tadao Ando.
He also studied piano at the Music Conservatory “A. Pedrollo” in Vicenza and harpsichord at the Académie de Musique Prince Rainier III in Monte-Carlo. Guided by Maestro Francesco Valdambrini, he joined the composers of the new school of “Tricordale Music,” and his compositions have been used in synthesis for his choreographic works as well.
Active since 2003 in Japan. Among his creations: In 2005, he directed and choreographed the Dance Opera Bluebeard’s Doors produced by Aichi Arts Center, and performed his work Ritrovare/Derivare with the Noh actor Reijiro Tsumura at the Venice Dance Biennale. In 2008, he directed and choreographed Polígono commissioned by the Brazilian dance company São Paulo Companhia de Dança. In 2011, he choreographed Orime no Ue for the Japanese dance company Noism 01, presenting a unique approach to Japanese traditional culture, including his music compositions of piano and flute inspired by Noh. In 2014, choreographed Opus 131 produced by Studio Architanz at the Tokyo New National Theater, and choreographed “Bolero" for Miyako Yoshida, co-starred with the Japanese Nihon Buyo Hanayagi at the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan. In 2017, he performed Tang co-authored with sculptor Anton Himstedt at the Karlsruhe Art and Media Center ZKM. In 2019 he choreographed for the Paris Opera Ballet At the Hawk’s Well after W.B.Yeats, directed by Hiroshi Sugimoto (broadcasted in two programs by NHK E-Tele in 2020). Currently, he is a member of the dance faculty at Senzoku Gakuen Music College.
毎週月曜日:19:30~21:00 レベルフリー @01
主な活動として: 2005年、愛知芸術文化センター制作のダンス・オペラ『青ひげ城の扉』で演出、振付、映像、美術を担当し、自身も出演。同年、ヴェネチア・ダンス・ビエンナーレからの招聘で『Ritrovare/Derivare』を能楽師・津村禮次郎と共演。
2007年、安藤忠雄が設計した「21_21 Design Sight」開館プログラムにてフォーサイスのインスタレーション『Additive Inverse』に出演する等、ザ・フォーサイス・カンパニーのゲスト・アーティストとして招聘される。
2008 年、ブラジルのダンス・カンパニー「São Paulo Companhia de Dança」からの委託で『Polígono』の 振付 ・ 演出。
2011年、「Noism 01」の招聘で振付けた『折り目の上』では、能楽から着想された ピアノ、フルートのソロ作品を発表する等、日本伝統文化に対する独自の切り口を示す。
2014 年、 新国立劇にてスタジオ・アーキタンツ制作の『Opus 131』を振付。同年、東京文化会館にて 『ボレロ』を演出、日本舞踊・花柳流と共演する吉田都を振付。
2017年、カールスルーエ・アー ト・アンド・メディア・センター「ZKM」にて『Tang』を彫刻家アントン・ヒムシュテットと共 作、出演。2019年、パリ・オペラ座にて、W. B. イェィツ作、杉本博司が演出する『鷹の井戸』を 振付(2020年、NHK・Eテレにて本編と特集番組が放送される)。現在、洗足学園音楽大学講師として活躍中
After graduating with a scholarship from Académie de Dance Classique Princesse Grace in Monte-Carlo and École-Atelier Rudra Béjart in Lausanne, he worked as dancer and choreographer at the Béjart Ballet Lausanne and the Lyon Opera Ballet. He joined Ballet Frankfurt directed by William Forsythe from 1999 until 2002 and he has been often performing as a guest artist for The Forsythe Company, for example, performing the Forsythe's installation Additive Inverse for the opening program of 21_21 Design Sight, designed by Tadao Ando.
He also studied piano at the Music Conservatory “A. Pedrollo” in Vicenza and harpsichord at the Académie de Musique Prince Rainier III in Monte-Carlo. Guided by Maestro Francesco Valdambrini, he joined the composers of the new school of “Tricordale Music,” and his compositions have been used in synthesis for his choreographic works as well.
Active since 2003 in Japan. Among his creations: In 2005, he directed and choreographed the Dance Opera Bluebeard’s Doors produced by Aichi Arts Center, and performed his work Ritrovare/Derivare with the Noh actor Reijiro Tsumura at the Venice Dance Biennale. In 2008, he directed and choreographed Polígono commissioned by the Brazilian dance company São Paulo Companhia de Dança. In 2011, he choreographed Orime no Ue for the Japanese dance company Noism 01, presenting a unique approach to Japanese traditional culture, including his music compositions of piano and flute inspired by Noh. In 2014, choreographed Opus 131 produced by Studio Architanz at the Tokyo New National Theater, and choreographed “Bolero" for Miyako Yoshida, co-starred with the Japanese Nihon Buyo Hanayagi at the Tokyo Bunka Kaikan. In 2017, he performed Tang co-authored with sculptor Anton Himstedt at the Karlsruhe Art and Media Center ZKM. In 2019 he choreographed for the Paris Opera Ballet At the Hawk’s Well after W.B.Yeats, directed by Hiroshi Sugimoto (broadcasted in two programs by NHK E-Tele in 2020). Currently, he is a member of the dance faculty at Senzoku Gakuen Music College.