ARCHITANZ(アーキタンツ) | 東京都・田町(三田)のバレエを中心としたスタジオ



Alexander Zaitsevアレクサンダー・ザイツェフ

2003年、シュツットガルトのノベール・ソサエティによる「Young Choreographers evening(若き振付家たちの夕べ)」のために、「La Chanson(シャンソン)」というソロ作品を作成。
2013年より、シュツットガルト・バレエ団、ワガノワ・バレエ・アカデミー、ミラノ・スカラ座バレエ団、韓国国立バレエ団、チェコ国立バレエ団, エストニア国立バレエ団、東京バレエ団、ペルミ国立バレエ団、ラトビア国立歌劇場バレエ団、チューリッヒ・バレエ団、ゴーティエ・ダンス・カンパニー、ゲルゼンキルヒェン市立歌劇場にてバレエ・マスターとして活動。
2017年より、GTLのメンバーとなる。また、ブリジェット・ブライナー、ダグラス・リー、ケビン・オーズデイ(Kevin O'Day), ポントス・リドベリ


Alexander Zaitsev, born in Moscow, Russia, was trained at the Bolshoi Ballet
School. In 1992, he graduated and had his first engagement with the Bolshoi
Ballet under the direction of Juri Grigorovich. During this time, he danced with
the company on tours all around the world.

In 1995 he danced with the State Opera Dresden for one season and in 1996 he
joined the Stuttgart Ballet. In 1997 Alexander Zaitsev received his Pedagogical
Diploma of the Moscow Choreography Academy. In January 1999, he was
promoted to Soloist with the Stuttgart Ballet, and then to Principal Dancer. With
the company he has danced an extensive repertoire of leading roles in classical
and contemporary works, as well as in many world premieres. He has also
appeared with the Stuttgart Ballet on tours all around the world.

Also has been a guest artist with the Royal Ballet Covent Garden, Tokyo Ballet,
Bolshoi Ballet, Deutsche Oper Berlin, Korean National Ballet, Ballet Santiago
de Chile, Latvian Ballet in Riga, Estonian Ballet in Tallinn, Leipzig Ballet.
Alexander Zaitsev receives numerous invitations to international galas with
many Ballet Stars.

Since 2013 he has been invited as a guest ballet master to: Stuttgart Ballet,
Vaganova Academy in Sankt Petersburg, La Scala, Korean National Ballet,
Czech National Ballet in Prague, Estonian National Ballet, Tokyo Ballet, Perm
Ballet Theater, Latvian National Ballet, Zürich Ballet, Gautier Dance Theater in
Stuttgart, Musiktheater im Revier.

Since 2014 working with Glen Tetley Legacy(GTL). Since 2017 member of
GTL. As well assisting different choreographers: Bridget Breiner, Douglas Lee,
Kevin O’Day, Pontus Lidberg


